Burnout syndrome in nursing students burnout syndrome is a form of exhaustion that is caused by stress. this exhaustion can be emotional, mental, and physical, and it can ultimately be very damaging to one’s health and spirit.. Burnout in nursing students nurs332005. loading... unsubscribe from nurs332005? nursing burnout and compassion fatigue - duration: 2:26. linda lin 5,242 views. 2:26.. Many nurses and nursing students can experience this feeling of burnout because of the rigor and intensity of their work or program. while nursing burnout may be a reality for some, it doesn’t have to define a nursing career..
Because burnout has negative effects on the academic performance of nursing students and, in the long term, on the quality of nursing care, we recommend that interventions to promote hardiness be implemented for nursing students to avoid or reduce the occurrence of burnout.. Objectives. to follow a cohort of nursing students from entry to their programme to the end of the first year and to study the interrelationship between a range of psychological variables including personality, stress, coping and burnout.. Nursing students, recipients of this complex process, also have, over the past 20 years, been exposed to a progressive increase of technological data related to more refined patientcare techniques..