Sunday, March 3, 2019

Verdun Game Online Fps

The game modes have been designed to mirror the intensity of trench-warfare. offering a realistic impression of wwi battles. inspired by the ferocious battle of verdun that took place in 1916, m2h and blackmill are proud to present verdun, a unique online first person shooter set during the first world war. verdun delivers a dedicated world war. Inspired by the ferocious battle of verdun that took place in 1916, m2h and blackmill are proud to present verdun, a unique online first person shooter set during the first world war.. Shooting, war, 3d, unity, online, fps, games we have created a virtual world in which you are a shooter who fights with squad of players. it is endless war where you need to fight against huge no. of enemies with your squad..

Verdun - WW1 FPS Game

Verdun - ww1 fps game

Verdun is a buy-to-play squad-based online fps inspired by one of the bloodiest battles in human history. gamers can finally experience trench warfare in the first major world war one themed shooter that promises historically accurate weaponry, music, and uniforms.. Beautiful fps game about first world war on pc ! verdun more war games on the best war games channel The game takes place on the western front between 1914 and 1918, in one of the bloodiest verdun is a multiplayer fps set in a realistic first world war setting. the trench warfare offers a unique battlefield experience, immersing you and your squad into battles of attack and defense..

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