Thursday, March 30, 2017

Apply Voter id online at emitra gov in

Apply Voter id online at emitra gov in

CEO Rajasthan Voter Id Card Apply Online New Voter Id , Correction , Duplicate guideline 

Having a VOTER ID card is very essential for every Rajasthann Citizen. One has to 18 or above in order to apply for a Voters Id card. The voter ID card is one of the crucial document one must have. It is important for various legal documentation in varied government offices, but is primarily used as a ticket to vote. All the Candidates are informed those not registered as a voter may apply online for VOTER IDENTITY CARD FOR Rajasthan voter ID card status online registration allication form The Voter Identity card is must for showing identity & For Votes. In this list Chief Electoral Officer CEO Rajasthan Election Commission of Rajasthan made the department also with a new technology. CEO Dept is providing facilities to make  the voter ID card online. The  Rajasthan govt. and NIC team of state is providing all the facilities of electoral roll online for which you need to use offical website of CEO, and are the official website of Rajasthan Chief Electoral Officer (CEO).
The process of applying for voter ID card is simplified that makes very convenient and time saving for those who are registering for first time. Given below are some points that explains the benefits of online registration and shows why everyone must opt for online registration process instead of offline procedure that takes lot of time.

First of all it completely eradicate the need of standing in long queues at regina election commission offices for your registration and given online registration is much simplified it get rids of several time wasting steps that are unnecessary.
How to apply Voter ID Online

Applying Online is a very simple process. All you have to do is go to the Election Commission of Rajasthan (ECI) homepage, the official website for voter registration. The website has everything you would need to know about the election process in Rajasthan, from electoral rolls to the election schedules for upcoming elections across the country. It also has a list of guidelines for voters and various application forms to register oneself. There are a number of forms, based on the service you wish to avail. These range from name change, inclusion of name in electoral roll for citizens residing in Rajasthan, as well as separate forms for those who live overseas and members of the armed forces, those in government service, etc.

You would have to select the form for new voter registration, which is Form 6. Apply for voter id card online :

Normally within next few days, an election commission representative will visit your home to verify your address and details submitted at the time of registration. After that you will receive your voter ID card at your home. In normal circumstances you won’t need to visit the ECI office, but in cases where someone objects your claim of becoming a voter, you may be called at the office of electoral officer.


  • Documents Required for Voter Registration in Rajasthan
  • Check CEO Rajasthan Voter ID Card Application Status
  • Check your name in Rajasthan Electoral Roll / Voter List Rajasthan
  • Correction of Voter ID Details
  • CEO Rajasthan Duplicate Voter ID Card Application
  • What to if Someone Else Voted in your name & What is a Service Voter?
  • Can and NRI Voter Register in Rajasthan
  • Get CEO Rajasthan BLO Info, E-Mitra and Contact Information

Available link for download