Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How to Make Your Computer Go Faster for Free

How to Make Your Computer Go Faster for Free

How to Make Your Computer Go Faster for Free

1.Do a disk cleanup. Click Start, go to All Programs, go on Accessories, go onSystem Tools, then go on Disk Cleanup.
  • Choose your driver you use (the option to most people is C drive).

  • Tick the boxes of what you wish to delete.

  • This shows the total amount of disk space you will gain.
  • This is just more options what to do (I wont go into that).
  • Click ok and disk cleanup will start.
2.Delete your internet history. Its very easy and works on most internet browsers.
  • Go to ToolsOptionsPrivacy.

  • Click delete all history, if you want you can remove cookies, temporary internet files etc.

  • Another way is, hold CTRL and click H this brings your history up, just select all the files by holding CTRL and click A then delete all.

3.Empty your recycle bin, go to DesktopRight Click on the recycle bin and click Empty recycle bin
4.Delete unwanted start up programs. Programs that start up when you load your computer up, sometimes may slow your computer down by taking a while to load them up, also they stay there because they are enabled to.
  • For windows 7, Go to Start menu, All Programs then right click Startup and clickopen or explore. All you have to do is, delete the unwanted shortcuts in the folder and that should stop them from starting up with windows, this can actually make your computer noticeably faster.

  • For Windows XP, Right click Start menu, then click explore. On the left of the screen that has just popped up click Programs then click on startup and delete the unwanted startup programs.

Available link for download